14 February 2011

Just Work

In order to get some kind of website together to feature in our end of year publication, I have set up a tumblr account. This site will be purely for work so feel free to take a look...

Valentines Treats

Happy Valentines Day! I made the boyfriend these raspberry and white chocolate cupcakes to satisfy his sweet tooth. An excuse to bake, a happy boyfriend and a spare cake or two
for me...good day!

10 February 2011


After the disastrous interpretation of the first invitation, I used the feedback to come up with a new, simpler concept. The party was being held at my little brother's football team clubhouse so I decided to limit my colour pallate to the teams colours, black, white and red. Here was my starting point for the final series of designs...

It's Been Too Long

It's been far too long since I posted on here, for which I blame the dreaded dissertation entirely. I tried to keep up with my creative work as much as possible while I was writing it though, and even worked on some invitations for my little brother's 13th birthday. This was the first idea I came up with...although my mum was worried that the strap-line..."Party Till You Pop"...might imply that we expected the cohort of fresh teenagers to party till they were sick! Not quite what I intended, but if that's a mother's point of view I thought I better redesign them before dozens of over protective parents banned their children from attending and my little brother was forced to celebrate alone...